7 Strongest ML Fighter Heroes 2024, Invincible and Deadly
In Mobile Legends there are various types of heroes with various unique roles and abilities. One hero role that is often a favorite of players is the Fighter ML hero.
What exactly is this fighter hero and who are the strongest ML fighter heroes in Mobile Legends? Are you curious? Let’s investigate who these characters are together.
Understanding Hero Fighter ML
MLBB Fighter Hero is a type of hero who prioritizes balance between attack and defense abilities. They have decent durability and have the potential to deal significant damage to their opponents.
Hero Fighter ML usually acts as the initiator in battle, disrupting enemy lines, and helping the team with solid defensive and attacking abilities.
Fighter heroes are reliable allies on the battlefield, mainly specializing in the secondary line of defense right under the tanks.
In the ML game, Fighter heroes are divided into three types. First, there are pure fighters, who only act as fighters. You can consider them real fighters. Second, there are primary fighter aircraft, namely fighter aircraft that are designed for combat but can also be used for other purposes.
The third category is Secondary ML Fighter, namely heroes whose use is different from their original role, meaning the hero can become a semi-fighter.
So who are the strongest Fighter Mobile Legends heroes in 2023?
Strongest ML Fighter Hero
As a recommendation for those of you who want to choose a Fighter hero in Mobile Legends, here are the seven strongest ML Fighter heroes that you can play. These fighting heroes are often sought after by ML gamers. Here he is!
Paquito is a Fighter ML hero with an aggressive playing style and is often the initiator in the team. With the ability to control distance, he can quickly approach or distance himself from opponents. The combination of basic attacks and skills provides large burst damage potential, making it effective in eliminating opponents quickly.

Balmond is one of the best Fighter heroes in Mobile Legends, known as “The King of the Abyss”. He plays a major role as a fighter in battle, with strong physical attack abilities and decent endurance. Even though his skills may not be very prominent, Balmond’s balanced ability between attack and defense makes him one of the strongest Fighter heroes in 2023.
Yu Zhong

Yu Zhong is the strongest and most popular fighting hero in Mobile Legends, known as the “Black Dragon”. He has unique transformation abilities as well as impressive offensive and defensive abilities. Yu Zhong can quickly approach the enemy using the “Soul Grip” skill and control the area with the “Cursed Tornado” skill, helping his team control certain battle zones and hindering enemy movements.

Ruby is a Fighter hero in Mobile Legends known as “Little Red Hood”. He has a unique playing style with incredible control and regeneration abilities. Ruby can approach enemies with the command “Be Good!” and “Don’t Run, Wolf King!” his skills and use his ultimate to gather enemies in one area. This is especially helpful in team battles, allowing teammates to deal more damage.

Aldous is one of the ML fighters who can gather strength from his basic attacks to issue very strong critical attacks. Its strength lies in its ability to finish off enemies with a single attack, making it a formidable threat to be wary of.

Phoveous is an overpowered Fighter hero in ML with strength that is difficult to resist. Known for his Chase/Control specialty, he deals painful damage and has high endurance. Phoveus may not be very popular, but his flexible abilities make him a very reliable hero.

Masha is a Fighter hero with extraordinary blood regeneration abilities, especially when using “Ancient Power” mode. This allows him to survive on the battlefield, approaching and facing the enemy with confidence. He is often used as a “split pusher” to destroy turrets and disrupt enemy sidelane defenses.
List of ML Fighters
The following is a complete list of Fighter heroes in Mobile Legends:
- Ruby
- Minister
- Argus
- Thamuz
- Khaled
- Silvana
- Yu Zhong
- cheap
- sir
- Aldous
- Echo
- Tuesday
- Jawhead
- Leomord
- Guinevere
- body
- City
- Terizla
- Dyroth
- Gatotkaca
- Lapu-lapu
- Sun
- Alpha
- Freya
- Chou
- Okay
- Hilda
- Balmond
- Curse
- Zilong
- Alucard
- Aulus
- Yin
- Julian
- peace
All the Fighter heroes above have their own advantages. In your opinion, which ML Fighter hero is suitable for use in the Land of Dawn?